Thursday, March 6, 2014

CorelDRAW basics: undoing, redoing, and repeating actions (2) - The Undo docker

Sometimes (or better said, always) you might need more control over the Undo / Redo commands, so you'll need the Undo docker (Window -> Dockers -> Undo).

In this docker you can see all the operations which can be undone. The number of these actions depends on the number of the undo levels specified in the Undo settings (20 by default). If you reach the limit, which each new action performed the oldest item from the history list (the second element from the top of the list, because the first element - File New - cannot be undone) will be deleted and you won't be able to undo it.

If you want to undo a series of actions using the Undo docker, choose the action that precedes all the actions that you want to undo and click on it. As a result, all the actions listed below the action you've chosen will be undone; they will still appear in the list (usually on a darker background) and you can redo them (see the image below). If you modify your drawing in any way except by using the Undo / Redo commands, those actions will be deleted from the list and you won't be able to redo them.

If you want to redo a series of actions using the Undo docker choose the last action that you want to redo and click on it; all preceding undone actions will be redone.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

CorelDRAW basics: undoing, redoing, and repeating actions (1)

The Undo / Redo /Repeat commands in Corel Draw
The Undo command (Edit -> Undo or shortcut-key: CTRL+Z) is a very useful feature which allows you to undo a number of recent actions starting with the most recent action.

If, for some reason, you don't like the result of an undoing an action (for example, when you use the undo command by mistake) you can redo it using the Redo command (Edit -> Redo or shortcut-key: CTRL + shift + Z). The Redo command is inactive until you use at least once the Undo command. If you undo one or more actions and then you modify your drawing in any way except by using the Undo / Redo commands, the Redo command will become inactive and it will no longer be possible to redo those actions.

Sometimes you might need to repeat the last action applied to an object. You can do this very easily by using the Repeat command (click Edit -> Repeat or use the shortcut-key: CTRL + R).

By default, CorelDRaw remembers only twenty previous actions which can be undone when one works with vector objects and only two actions which can be undone for the bitmap effects. If you want it, you can increase or decrease the number of actions that you can undo (and redo) by customizing the Undo settings (Tools -> Options -> Workspace -> General -> Undo Levels). The more you increase the number of undo levels, the more random access memory (RAM) is required to store the undo history, so don't increase the number of undo levels beyond a reasonable limit.

If you don't want to use the stortcut-keys you can use the Undo / Redo buttons from the Standard toolbar. Next to each one of these buttons there is a little arrow-shaped button. By clicking one of these two buttons and choosing an action from the list you can undo or redo a series of actions.

Revert to the last saved version of a drawing
If you are not happy with the result of your work and you don't want to waste your time with the Undo / Redo commands (or if some steps cannot be undone anymore) you can revert to the last saved version of your drawing. Click File -> Revert and the last saved version of your work will be restored (if you haven't saved your document yet the Revert command can't be used.