Saturday, September 27, 2014

CorelDRAW basics: the viewing modes (1)

When you are working in CorelDRAW you are using (for the most of the time) vector graphics. In order to display your artwork on the display, your computer needs to rasterize the vectors. Every time you make a change in your artwork, the computer needs to rasterize the artwork and to refresh the displayed image. Depending on the complexity of the artwork, on the type of effects you want to apply, but also depending on your computer's hardware configuration (video card, CPU performance and RAM) this process can be performed in a fraction of a second or in several tens of seconds, or even more (the annoying situations when when the display freezes). If these situations occurs frequently you might consider to change the default viewing mode (Enhanced) and use a less demanding viewing mode like Normal or even Draft (or, even better, to change your computer).

CorelDRAW allows you to display a drawing in various viewing modes (from low to high details): Simple wireframe, Wireframe, Draft, Normal, Enhanced and Pixels. Additionally, when the Enhanced mode is activated you can activate two more options: Simulate overprints and Rasterize complex effects.

The amount of time required to rasterize your artwork is not the only reason to switch between various view modes: sometimes you will need to use the Wireframe mode in order to locate a hidden object or you'll might need to check the overprinted colours before printing your artwork and in this case you have to choose the Simulate overprints viewing mode.

To choose a viewing mode open the View menu and click on the viewing mode you want to use (Enhanced is the default one). Press "Shift + F9" if you want to switch between the current viewing mode and the previous viewing mode (see the image below):

If you want to change the default viewing mode click Tools Options -> click General in the Document list of categories and choose an option from the View mode list box.

Monday, September 1, 2014

CorelDRAW basics: The Pan tool

Pan tool (also called "Hand" tool) is an additional way to view specific areas of a drawing. It is very useful when you work with large drawings and when you use a high magnification level and some parts of your drawing are not displayed in the drawing windows.

To use this tool you have to click on the Pan tool button (you'll find this button in the Toolbar in the same flyout with the Zoom tool). With the Pan/Hand tool activated click and drag your page until you'll see the desired area of your artwork in the Drawing Window. As you perform this action, the scroll bars and document rulers move in unison to reflect the new position.

Shortcuts available for this tool:
If you want to use the Pan/Hand tool while you are using another tool, you can activate the Pan/Hand tool by using the keyboard short-cut "H" (H from Hand). When you've finished with the Pan'Hand tool, click the Spacebar to return to the previous tool. This short-cut doesn't work when you are editing text.

Double-click the Zoom tool in the toolbox and the page will be centered in the drawing window.

With the Pan/Hand tool activated you can zoom in and out without alternate the two tools: double-click anywhere in the drawing window to zoom in, right-click in the drawing window to zoom out.